I sent you some stuff privately, but the key point is that is was required by the US Gov as part of the 1956 Consent decree.
AT&T had to make its IP available to the research community and licensable under 'fair terms' which would be reviewed by the regulators.  Al Arms wrote and administer the license BTW.  I've lost track of him.  I want to say he may have passed, but I don't want to start a rumor.   You might check with the Nokia folks, as I did not see him at the 50th and I would have expected him there.


On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 9:39 AM David C. Brock <dbrock@computerhistory.org> wrote:
Dear All:

I was wondering if anyone had any first-hand information about the early decisions at Western Electric to make an education license for Unix that was both royalty-free and with an extremely modest “service charge”/delivery fee, or if anyone knows the names of key people who made these decisions.

Best wishes,

David C. Brock
Director and Curator
Software History Center
Computer History Museum
Email: dbrock@computerhistory.org
Twitter: @dcbrock
Skype: dcbrock
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