On Wed, Jan 4, 2017 at 1:56 PM, Nevin Liber <nevin@eviloverlord.com> wrote:
Non-historical observation ... the interesting thing about the paper Larry linked, for me, is that it exactly describes the huge sucking black hole that made Linux (or something very much like it) inevitable.
Brother, I think you have that right, although I believe it that can be said of a number of the better early OS teams from those days.

It is no coincidence that the same passion we       found at Sun working on SunOS, we also find in the community of developers working on the Linux kernel.
​+1 for Masscomp, SGI and Apollo​

I always wondered how many of Sun's Kernel Hackers found their path there.
​From my alumni lists of the teams I was part, many of us are happily hacking away in the FOSS community although, as other responsibilities have come to my life - less and less time for some of it.
