On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 1:14 AM Will Senn <will.senn@gmail.com> wrote:
Does the wump.c source exist for v6? The game's in the distribution and so is the man page, but I can't find the source. I see it's in v7, but I don't know the provenance of the game source, hence the question.
Interesting question for someone like Doug, Steve or Ken.  I bet it is pretty close, if not the same.   I notice the V7 version used printf and getchar, but does not define stdio.h.  It also has a struct in it.  So by the time of that version, printf existed as did structs both of which were in the V6 C compiler (V6 did not have stdio, it had Mike Lesk's 'Portable I/O Library' (iolib in the sources).

I don't have v6 handy, so I can not run a nm on /usr/games/wump but I bet if you did and compared it to an nm from V6 I bet they are darned close.

I'm curious if it was ported to c for v6, or if it was basic?
I would guess B or C not basic.  The UNIX basic was primitive compared to Darthmouth (or HP - which would become HP-2000 basic but that's a different story).   Code from PCC (or later David Ahl's "101 Basic Computer Games" ) would not work without extensive rewriting.  Something that small, converting to B or C would have been similar effort so I would have expected that to have been what happened.

Remember Edition X, particularly for the first few, was the status of the disks in research at the time.  So there are a few cases of binaries in some of the earlier editions being found in /usr/bin or the like and the sources not there in the distribution.