On Sun, Jun 9, 2024, 7:35 AM Douglas McIlroy <douglas.mcilroy@dartmouth.edu> wrote:
Eloquently put. Amen!


> Unix brought automation to the forefront of possibilities. Using Unix,
> anyone could do it - even that kid in Jurassic Park. Today, everything
> is GUI and nothing can be automated easily or, most of the time,
> not at all.

> Unix is an ever shrinking oasis in a desert of non-automation and complexity.

> It is the loss of automation possibilities that frustrates me the most

Do I have to be that guy? I hate windows. I love Unix. But the above isn't really true. MS has actually done a good job of catching up in that department. All major apps have Powershell libraries. I envy some features of Powershell, but I still won't use it unless I have to.

One example is PowerCLI, which is very useful for vSphere automation. Easier to use than their other language APIs, in my opinion. I could go on with other examples (Active Directory, MSSQL, Exchange), but I think the point is made...