Hmm well I am more interested in the ancient code, I am not averse to adding improvements but I want to do so in a controlled way. Also I prefer not to use any Sys3~5 interfaces in my current project which is exclusively BSD.

Haha, well I de-algoled /bin/sh twice so far, first time was for my uzi to Z180 port about 10yrs back, and second time was for my 4.3BSD to Linux porting library project last month. In the intervening time I became quite a sed wizard and my latest de-algolizer is completely automated and produces very nice results. Could possibly be improved by astyle's removal of braces around single statements, I considered this too risky at the time but I have since realized I can compare the stripped executables to convince myself that it does not change the logic, indeed I should check the basic de-algolizer in this way also.

Lately I have been thinking of running all of 4.3BSD through astyle but I hesitate to do unnecessary changes, one always regrets them when doing any bisecting or rebasing stuff...


On Feb 28, 2017 3:43 AM, "Joerg Schilling" <> wrote:
Derek Fawcus <> wrote:

> How about applying Geoff Collyer's change to the shell memory management
> routine available here:

Depends on what shell you are talking about.

The code named by you only works with a very old Bourne Shell that can be
retrieved from the server of Geoff Collyer.

If you are interested in the recent Bourne Shell (SVr4 + Solaris changes), you
better use my Bourne Shell sources that can be found inside the schily-tools:

The code from above will not work in a recent Bourne Shell without changes in
both, Geoff Collyer's stak.c and the rest of the Bourne Shell.


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