My understanding is that System V source of any sort is not legal to distribute.  I believe that source exists and has been archived for at least some variants of SVR1, SVR2, SVR3, and SVR4.


On 1 March 2017 at 14:18, Arthur Krewat <> wrote:
The site is rife with warez, I understand that, I was wondering about the "legality" of distributing that source code, and if legal, if it had been archived somewhere else already.

On 3/1/2017 1:27 PM, Steve Nickolas wrote:
On Wed, 1 Mar 2017, Henry Bent wrote:

They decide, arbitrarily and with no real legal basis, that "if something is older than x arbitrary date, it must be OK to distribute," or "if something is for an operating system that no one really uses, it must be OK to distribute."  Why they do not get shut down is a mystery to me. I believe the concept started with old games for DOS and has spread to include operating systems and other software.

I openly used a profane word referring to bovine excrement as my opinion of this concept of "abandonware".

It's just warez, plain and simple.
