ozalp:m5syt3.lB5LAE:40:10:& Babaoglu,4156423806:/usr/ozalp:/bin/csh
hpk:9ycwM8mmmcp4Q:9:10:Howard Katseff,2019495337:/usr/staff/hpk:/bin/csh
tbl:cBWEbG59spEmM:10:10:Tom London,2019492006:/usr/staff/tbl
ken:ZghOT0eRm4U9s:52:10:& Thompson:/usr/staff/ken
fabry:d9B17PTU2RTlM:305:10:Bob &,4156422714:/usr/staff/fabry:/bin/csh
On Thu, Oct 03, 2019 at 09:30:31PM +0200, Leah Neukirchen wrote:Finn O'Leary <finnoleary@inventati.org> writes:Hi, I remember that someone had recovered some ancient /etc/passwd files and had decrypted(?) them, and I remember reading that either ken or dmr's password was something interesting like './,..,/' (it was entirely punctuation characters, was around three different characters in total, and was pretty damn short). I've tried to find this since, as a friend was interested in it, and I cannot for the life of me find it!I did this once, but I never managed to crack all of them. It was bwk who used /.,/., My findings (from https://github.com/dspinellis/unix-history-repo/blob/BSD-3-Snapshot-Development/etc/passwd): gfVwhuAMF0Trw:dmac Pb1AmSpsVPG0Y:uio ymVglQZjbWYDE:/.,/., c8UdIntIZCUIA:bourne AAZk9Aj5/Ue0E:foobar E9i8fWghn1p/I:apr1744 IIVxQSvq1V9R2:axolotl 9EZLtSYjeEABE:network P0CHBwE/mB51k:whatnot Nc3IkFJyW2u7E:...hello olqH1vDqH38aw:sacristy 9ULn5cWTc0b9E:sherril. N33.MCNcTh5Qw:uucpuucp FH83PFo4z55cU:wendy!!! OVCPatZ8RFmFY:cowperso X.ZNnZrciWauE:5%ghj IL2bmGECQJgbk:pdq;dq 4BkcEieEtjWXI:jilland1 8PYh/dUBQT9Ss:theik!!! lj1vXnxTAPnDc:sn74193n But I never managed to crack ken's password with the hash ZghOT0eRm4U9s, and I think I enumerated the whole 8 letter lowercase + special symbols key space. The uncracked ones are: ozalp:m5syt3.lB5LAE:40:10:& Babaoglu,4156423806:/usr/ozalp:/bin/cshm5syt3.lB5LAE:12ucdorthpk:9ycwM8mmmcp4Q:9:10:Howard Katseff,2019495337:/usr/staff/hpk:/bin/csh tbl:cBWEbG59spEmM:10:10:Tom London,2019492006:/usr/staff/tbl ken:ZghOT0eRm4U9s:52:10:& Thompson:/usr/staff/ken fabry:d9B17PTU2RTlM:305:10:Bob &,4156422714:/usr/staff/fabry:/bin/cshI pointed my FreeBSD build machine at the password file, but it didn't manage many guesses a second (55000 per core with 48 cores, using john). I asked a friend to point their GPU rig at the password file. It is a MSI Graphics Card R9 290X and is doing about 255MHashes/Second using hashcat. He is going to do the alphanumeric space and then call it a day. "for hashcat, 80s DES crypt is -m 1500" - [tj]