On Sat, 18 Nov 2017, Don Hopkins wrote:
Chalk one up for DEC and
BASIC. What other programming languages support that
feature, huh?
You could probably do it in APL; you could do damned well
everything else after all...[*]
If you LISTREVERSE’ed a Lisp program, it would look like
PostScript with parens!
LISTNHREVERSE print the contents of the user's memory
area in order of descending line numbers. LISTREVERSE
precedes the output with a heading, LISTNHREVERSE
eliminates the heading.
Why on earth would you want to?
I have been wondering about that for years.
Here’s the manual! LISTREVERSE is documented on page 9-3.
Maybe if I printed out the "READERS COMMENTS" form at the back
of the manual, wrote my question in big upper case block
letters, then ticked the "If you require a written reply, please
check here” checkbox, then “Fold Here” and “Do Not Tear - Fold
Here and Staple” as instructed, I could mail in the free first
class pre-addressed, business reply mail, no postage stamp
necessary if mailed inside the United States envelope, and
they’d write me back a nice letter telling me what the fuck they
were thinking.