This may be a bit off-topic, so please forgive me. Lucent is central to the book. I want to let you know I had a memoir published today, on the 25th anniversary of Lucent's historic policy. Here's the main part of the press release.
Before 1997, transgender workers were routinely fired when their employers found out they were changing their sex. That changed on Oct. 28, 1997, when Lucent Technologies became the first Fortune 500 company to formally commit that it would not discriminate based on "gender identity, characteristics, or expression". Dr. Mary Ann Horton, who instigated the change, has written a memoir, Trailblazer: Lighting the Path for Transgender Inclusion in Corporate America. "When I led transgender-101 workshops, my personal story was people's favorite part. They wanted more, and Trailblazer is the result," said Horton. "It will be released on the 25th anniversary, Oct. 28."Nokia blogged about it today.
Horton was a software technology worker at Lucent in Columbus, Ohio, when Lucent added the language. It allowed Mary Ann, then known as Mark, to come out in the workplace without fear of reprisal. When she didn't need to spend energy hiding part of herself, her productivity soared, and she was promoted. Three years later, she persuaded Lucent to cover gender-confirming medical care in their health insurance. She blazed the trail for Apple, Avaya, Xerox, IBM, Chase, and other companies to follow.You can find the book at
If you read it, please post a review to Amazon.--
Mary Ann Horton (she/her/ma'am)
"This is a great book" - Monica Helms
"Brave and Important" - Laura L. Engel
Available on Amazon and!