On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 5:28 PM Larry McVoy <
lm@mcvoy.com> wrote:
I think Ron is just in Grumpy Old Man mode (he's a friend, we go way back,
so I get to say that :)
Personally, I sort of get the ls<something> model. ls is how you list
things, <something> is how you say what you want to list. Is it Unix
like? Hmm, perhaps not.
like larry said. I'm a grumpy old man. And lspci is not Unix. And neither is anything we use nowadays that begins with ls and has more than 2 letters.
In Unix, resources have names. They are visible in a name space, organized into directories. The names can be enumerated by opening and reading a directory. Information about them can be determined with stat. Their contents can be read by open and read. They can be changed with open and write.
it's a pretty simple and consistent model. And it works just fine with, e.g., the the Plan 9 pnp device. From my point of view, if a user needs lspci to enumerate PCI resources, it's because the kernel has fallen down on the job by failing to support the Unix model.
I can argue this point all day, but I'll let it go at that :-)
p.s. It's not you, it's me. "You, sir, are a curmudgeon" -- Rob Pike, to me, on 9fans. As a result of this note, while I was at Los Alamos I was assigned
curmudgeon@lanl.gov. Made my day.