more(1ucb) was written by Eric Shienbrood, who modeled from the functionality from the ITS terminal function he was used to at MIT when he became a grad student around the same time as I did.

As for before more(1ucb), we used ^S/^Q and remember many of us were on 30/120 cps dialup terminals.   So it was not a problem until direct lines @ 9600 baud became available (plus having enough power in the processor to drive them).


On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 6:54 PM, Will Senn <> wrote:

In looking around the system v7 environment, I don't see a more command anywhere. I downloaded, converted, and attached 1bsd, 2bsd, and finally 3bsd and it was there that I found source for more... 3bsd looks like it's for VAX, not PDP-11, and it doesn't want to compile (looking for some externs that I gather are part of the distro's clib).

I may jump ship on V7 and head over to 2.9BSD, which, as I understand it, is a V7 with fixes and these kind of additional tools...

In the meantime, how did folks page through text like man sh and such before more? I know how to view sections of text using sed and ed's ok for paging file text (painful, but workable). I just can't seem to locate the idiomatic way of keeping everything from constantly scrolling out of view! Obviously, this isn't a problem on my mac as terminal works fine, but I like to try to stay in character as a 1970 time traveling unix user :).



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