Armando’s plates didn’t say ULTRIX.   The ULTRIX plates cae later (some complete marketing disaster at DEC).

Armondo’s plate said UNIX.    At one USENIX meeting, Armando got up and made an announcement that for many years UNIX and DEC had been synonymous, but DEC had never realized it.   He was therefore happy to announce the first UNIX license from DEC and held out up one of the plates.     I still have mine.

Armondo had a NH vanity plate that said UNIX (like the replicas given away).   He also had one of the DEC replicas on his car complete with the state renewal stickers.   At one point it went missing.   He announced that on the net, which led to a lot of people mentioning that they hadn’t seen it wherever they were.   I believe he ultimately did recover it.

------ Original Message ------
From "Richard Salz" <>
To "Henry Bent" <>
Cc "TUHS main list" <>
Date 5/10/2022 9:33:59 PM
Subject Re: [TUHS] First Unix-like OSes not derived from AT&T code?

Per wikipedia (FWIW), V7M was for PDP-11; Ultrix was the first VAX unix project and based on 4.2BSD.

Armando Stettner is probably most famous for the NH license plate "Ultrix"  The NH state motto, which appeared on all their license plates, was "Live Free or Die"