I usually edit it to say "Was (not Was)".

Hmmm.  Wouldn't it be great if we had a Markov chain subject generator that sourced the actual email thread contents as its driver, and then when the topic drifted far enough, it simply replaced the subject line with a new creation ?

Ooohhh -- another idea -- RFC5322 states that subject may occur from 0 to 1 times per email.  Why don't we just delete the subject lines entirely?


(it's late.  I need to poke a bear)

On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 4:30 PM Jacob Goense <dugo@xs4all.nl> wrote:
On 2020-07-08 00:53, Dave Horsfall wrote:
> On one list I use, a predecessor of it used to require a subject tag
> in the form [Blah] (taken from a set of known tags); I've always hated
> that, but I'm still in the habit of putting my own tag there as a
> hint.

When I have tuned out of a long running thread and the topic drifts
significantly I'm always grateful to the kind soul that tags..:

     Subject: Re: new [was: old]

Michael Usher
Senior Wireless Network Engineer
University of California, Santa Cruz
musher@ucsc.edu        831-459-3697