> Whose foray?
Not DEC's. Eunice was built at SRI and sold by the
> Wollongong Group, who must have had Downundrian
It was
originally developed ca. 1981 by David Kashtan at
SRI[1] and later
maintained and marketed by The Wollongong Group.''
Where's the
Eunice post-dated DEC's first Unix offering by several
years. They sold V7 and later V7M before rebranding it to
Ultrix. Eunice was 4.1BSD (later 4.2 and 4.3) that Dr
Kashtan grafted into VMS in ways that... provoke strong
feelings among reviewers... The TCP/IP stack that was
inside of Eunice would form the basis for Wollongong's
TCP/IP offerings on VMS... A more refined version, also done
I think by Kashtan, was marketed by TGV and there was always
much rivalry between the two companies...
Wollongong got its license because they were the
marketing company formed to market Dr. Miller's port to
Interdata, and they later branched out significantly because
their license was so special... Or at least that's the
story they told customers and internally... I never saw the
original license to know...