OK, let me try this one more time with links to get around the restrictions on the message size. I was cleaning out my basement and I found a box of stuff from my office at BRL (where I left in 1987). Most of it was buttons I'd picked up at trade shows and SF cons (I had a fabric partition next to my desk that I had them all stuck to. Of course in the box (among a couple of later editions) was Armando's original UNIX license (note no reference to DEC):
Also in the box were some buttons from various UNIX conferences. I particularly remember the Sex, Drugs, and Unix one. Some of you will also remember the year I was giving out the No Ada shirts. There's a picture of dmr wearing one floating around somewhere.
Sun was giving out these one year:
Peter Langston thought this was a little conceited on Bill Joy's part, so the next show he arrived with buttons to hand out that said things like "The psl of UNIX" and "The dmr of UNIX". I had a "The ron of UNIX" somewhere but I couldn't find it in the box.
Finally there was this wooden nickle courtesy of Bill Yost...
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