Sad news. Had read her papers in BSTJ early in my career. Very interesting to read of her career, and thanks for the links.
I'm a daily/weekly "dc" guy (RPN ftw).
Never got into bc. Occasionally used eqn et al.
> Wicat 150WS 27.3 sec
> Unison 32.6 sec
Unison must have been real slow!
Dave H. -- remember LSC's ads/posters:
"WICAT with *new* GLTC Technology"
Lionel/someone just made up the term.
For a while no-one asked, eventually it was revealed to stand for "Goes Like The Clappers". ("A Wet Week" more like it)
Fortunately I supported the Unix stuff from LSC Brisbane/Qld. So in my first UNIX job I got to play with Sun2-Sun4, lots'a Pyramids, one Convex. Don't recall LSC's Gould though; before I joined?
When our sales reps sold WICAT (68000 or 68020?) it was mostly running PICK ported by a bloke in our office (another Dave? I recall him destroying a phone in frustration over the UART/terminal driver). Weird O/S: efficient on-disk hashed DB; but very prone to corruption on unclean shutdown.