Glad it's working.   We probably need to create Joy's tarball in the future with the same file ordering he used and get that the Warren.  The trick is getting a v6tar that properly works.   Maybe one thing we should do is write a tp format 'tape' with the v6tar binary on it and get that in the archives independently.

When V7 came out, there was a way to create v6tar (which I suspect is somehow part of Joy's image).  The issue is that some of the system calls changed in small but important ways.   tar was a much better way to move files around than tp which is why it so quickly became the archive scheme in the Unix community. 

On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 9:38 AM Will Senn <> wrote:
After much travail, I found a post in some ancient Asian language
(Japanese) and was reminded of Wolfgang's enblock. I didn't bother to
translate, but just did the enblock:

gunzip -d 2bsd.tar.gz
cat 2bsd.tar | enblock > 2bsd.tap

I attached the result, et voila:
tar xv0
tar: bin/ - cannot create
x bin/csh, 40412 bytes, 79 tape blocks
tar: bin/etc/ - cannot create
x bin/etc/htmp, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x bin/etc/install, 81 bytes, 1 tape blocks

The cannot create messages are filthy lies :).

That brought it all back to me - just like when I built tar from tape
for v6... sheesh, why does it have to be so painfully difficult to
remember these tricky bits?!

Anyhow, afterward, I went back, did the translation from Japanese to
English (or google did), and it was good stuff about how to apply
2bsd.tar to v6:

Thanks for the help and patience.


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