On 7/12/24 08:58, Warren Toomey via TUHS wrote:
All, I received this detailed e-mail from Yufeng Gao who has done a great
job at analysing some of the DECtapes that Dennis made available to the
Unix Archive.P.S. I have a follow-up e-mail coming ...

Here is a follow-up e-mail from Yufeng, I just needed to ensure the colours got preserved :-)

Cheers, Warren

---- From Yufeng Gao ----

If you're going to share my email, please consider adding the following information about the s1 and s2 files being from the same version of UNIX:

"The maki.s source and a.out executable found in /usr/sys is the exact same maki program used to create the INIT tape, judging by the unzeroed/leftover bytes at the end of vcboot."

And the row highlighted in green from the following table to the one from my last email:


                      | UNIX V1  | s1    | UNIX V2


Warm boot             | [1]73700 | ???   | ???

Cold boot             | 1        | 1     | 1

Unassigned 3K prog    | 2        | 2     |

Dump core & halt      | 10       | 10    | 10

Boot from RK          |          | 20    | 20

Dump core & warm boot |          | 40    | 40

Boot from paper tape  | 0        | 0     | 0

Load DEC loaders      | 57500    | 57500 | 77500


BOS load address      | 54000    | 54000 | 154000

UNIX load address     | 400      | 400   | 600



Sorry if I sound like I'm asking for too much, the history is quite important so I want everything to be in the best possible state :).



Yufeng Gao