Reiser added paging and it was working well by early 1981.


On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 4:41 AM Doug McIlroy <> wrote:
> Doug McIlroy <> wrote:
>>> How long was research running on a PDP-11 and when did they move to a VAX?
>> London and Reiser had ported Unix to the VAX, replete with virtual memory, in 1978. By the time v7 was released (1979), Vaxen had become the workhorse machines in Research.
>> Doug
> So, what's the story on why the London/Reiser port didn't get adapted
> back by Research, and they ended up starting from 4.1 BSD?
> Thanks,
> Arnold

Sorry, what I said about London/Reiser is true, but not the whole story. L/R didn't have demand paging; BSD did.
