Interesting... I don't remember Gettys being at the meeting (I would get to know Jim a few years later when he was at Princeton before he came back to MIT to work on X) and he's a been a friend of mine for a number of years (actually lives in the next town over).
I do not remember all the details of the bug at this point, to many beers ago; but yes the jist of the issue was being able to write to user memory with ptraced process with SUID being involved.
The only thing that worries me about your response is I thought remembered that MMU was somehow involved. Just turning off SUID was not the only part of the solution.
I do remember that the bug was in the Research kernel at the time and Dennis had not known about it until that meeting so if PWB had it fixed, that's an example of something that did not go back, which I would find surprising.
I suspect MIT found and fixed it independently, but it never got passed it back for whatever reason.
We should try to look in the PWB 1.0 kernel.