On 1/30/21 9:48 PM, Will Senn wrote:
On 1/30/21 9:16 PM, Will Senn wrote:
Hi all,

So. On a lighter note. I was tooling around the web and came across a discussion of QED, the editor. It’s been resurrected in no small part based on discussions on this list (and members like Rob Pike). Anyhow, there’s a version that compiles in modern systems and that handles wide characters. My question for the group is this how different is QED from ed? I’ve read Dennis’ paper on the history of QED and it’s fascinating, but all I really got out of the discussion related to ed, was that QED was a precursor. I’m curious about functional parity or lack thereof, more than technical differences. In full disclosure, and at the risk of drawing fire from lovers of other editors, I have to confess a love of the original ed (and it’s decendent ed’s and vi).



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Here's the link to the article that kicked off this line of inquiry:


Does anyone know of any effort to show the family tree of editors, similar to what we have for unix and linux?

Ah, heck - Dennis says QED influenced ed, but the first line of the description in QED (1) (Mar/82) is:

Qed is a multiple-file programmable text editor based on ed.

Which is it?
