As its author, WKT has more info than others but since he does not mention it in his README and due to TZ issue (he's likely asleep right now), I'll take a shot.  Note:  I can not say I have tried it, but I would expect it to compile and run on WSL.  I can say I ran in a few years ago on a Mac and 'just worked.'    You might need to tweak it a little bit if for no other reason than RedHat Linux 2.2 is pretty old and was 32 bit, but WKT's code is pretty clean and I would not expect any real issues.   Since he is assuming a 32-bit system, and I have not played with it in a while, my guess is that the one place you might need to be careful.  His comment in the read says:

It should compile on a 32-bit little-endian machine with
some form of Unix; you may need to change some header file includes etc.
See `defines.h' for the details. In particular, if your system doesn't have
types for:

	int8_t, int16_t, int32_t, u_int8_t, u_int16_t, u_int32_t
or if your compiler doesn't have char=1 byte, short= 2 bytes, int=4 bytes,
then alter the relevant typedefs in `defines.h'.

On Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 2:23 PM Saif Resun <> wrote:
hello there! I want to use Unix Operating system but I use Windows and from TUHS I got to know that Apout can be installed on FreeBSD 2.x and 3.x, and on RedHat Linux 2.2. Can I use it on Windows 10?

Thank you.