On Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 10:52 PM, Jim Carpenter <jim@deitygraveyard.com> wrote:
On 04/11/2018 11:30 PM, Nigel Williams wrote:
> For the curious there is a good walk-through of Venix/86 2.1 being
> installed here on the MESS emulator:
> https://virtuallyfun.superglobalmegacorp.com/2015/08/14/venturcomm-venix86-on-messmame/

I'm the one that wrote that walk-through. The challenge was very
frustrating because MESS didn't/doesn't allow double-density media in
high-density drives and the images I had to work with were a mix of
both. Also, the one bootable image supported only one floppy drive and
had no mknod. But I did win $100 for being the first to get it to
compile and run a certain program. Yay! Back in the day I had always
wanted Venix so it was nice finally getting to do something with it and
make money doing it.

Yea, in my tools directory, there's a venixp2l.c that makes the diskettes into tarballs effectively. Though I never have figured out how to convert the /dev entriesĀ  to proper c or b device nodes.

It was quite helpful, because this image had low.s in it, which I didn't have yet :)
