On Sat, Apr 14, 2018 at 6:00 PM, Dave Horsfall <dave@horsfall.org> wrote:
We lost software engineer Dick Hustvedt on this day in 2008, following severe injuries in a vehicle accident.  He contributed much to RSX-11 and VMS, including the infamous "microfortnight" and the SD730 Fixed Head Solar Horologue.  An obituary of him can be found at http://software.intel.com/en-us/blogs/2008/04/23/dick-hustvedt-the-consummate-software-engineer/ (and it's worth reading).

​Indeed a real character, but a true gentleman.    I don't think I ever saw him lose it, although I'm told he did once; and then kicked himself for a few days because he swore he was never going to let Culter get to him.

But as much as I respect both Dave and Dick, the less well known is the late Roger Gourd that had the magic of getting the best of all of us.  Roger was the really one of the first truly professional SW managers in the business.  And I point out that the most successful projects I've seen developed, somehow Roger got the best people (like Dick) to implement them; but Roger got them shipped.

