Hi all.
I apologise for misleading tuhs, pm does not do paragraph at a time formatting; memory is not what it used to be.
It does have some interesting ideas nonetheless - and I have been inspired to try it again.
The code and macros should be here:
[I haven't been able to check as i am on holiday]
The paper describing it is here:
Steve Simon <steve@quintile.net> wrote: |i haven't tried it in anger but bwk's pm(1) troff post-proscessor, \ |which does paragraph at at a time layout, is available as a plan9 package. \ |written in c++ so early that cfront will compile it.I cannot find this? I only found occurrences of the macropackage, which seems to adjust some -ms macro for better verticalstretching and widow avoidance? Also nice, but not a genericapproach.--steffen