Exactly -- just re-read Will's question.  2 spaces after punctuation is a fix-size typeface solution to the 1.5 typographer layout.

I was referring to why typed papers were traditionally double spaced between the lines.

On Fri, Nov 6, 2020 at 11:02 AM Chris Torek <torek@elf.torek.net> wrote:
>I use single spaces between sentences, but my ancestors
>used 2... who knows why? :).


In typesetting, especially when doing right-margin justification,
we have "stretchy spaces" between words.  The space after end-of-
sentence punctuation marks is supposed to be about 50% larger than
the width of the between-words spaces, and if the word spaces get
stretched, so should the end-of-sentence space.  Note that this is
all in the variable-pitch font world.

Since typewriters are fixed-pitch, the way to emulate the
1.5-space-wide gap is to expand it to 2.
