My approach would have been to use "split" on the original file and then dd the resulting files. But now I find myself wondering how old "split" is. It was certainly already a well-established thing by the early 90s.
Hi Steve,
> I’ve never figured out how to use ‘dd’ so it returns after a single
> block is written doesn’t close the input, killing the pipeline, or
> cause the rest of the data to be discarded.
I think this meets your description and complies with POSIX's dd(1p)
$ seq 33 126 | sed 's/$/P/' | dc |
> while :; do
> LC_ALL=C dd bs=10 count=1 2>dd.err | sed -n l
> grep -q '^[^0].* records in$' dd.err || break
> done
$ rm dd.err
I set the locale so the format of dd's stderr report is known.
Cheers, Ralph.