On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 2:35 PM Larry McVoy <lm@mcvoy.com> wrote:
I think the outrage of Epstein at MIT is more about MIT knowingly taking
money from a convicted pedophile who had a lot of rich friends, and then
trying to cover it up.  It's stunningly stupid that MIT would risk their
reputation over $7.5M.  That's .1% of their endowment at the time.  The
people involved, in my opinion, should give the money to a worthy charity
and resign for the sake of the institution.  MIT doesn't deserve these
people, they need to go.

Exactly what Larry says. Polanski deserves everything that's coming to him, and the hypocrisy of some in Hollywood is odious, but MIT (and other institutions) really messed up by taking money from a known sex-offender and trying to keep it quiet.

I'll admit that when I first heard about the Joi Ito thing, I thought, "it's entirely possible he didn't know about Epstein's behavior...." But then it became clear that he did and tried to cover it up. Are we going to find out the same thing about Reif? How deep does this go?

They've sullied the institute's reputation for a (comparative) pittance. For an institution chock full of incredibly brilliant people, that's just some dumb shit: two bit street thugs have more sense.

        - Dan C.