On Tue, Nov 26, 2024, 4:37 PM Douglas McIlroy <douglas.mcilroy@dartmouth.edu> wrote:
> Curiously, Robert Martin's in the acknowledgements for K&R
> (I forget which edition). I guess he read an early draft?

I didn't find Robert Martin in the long list of acknowledgements
in the preface to the second edition. But any such acknowledgement
would certainly be to Bob Martin, a savvy Bell Labs executive whose
advice was always welcome. He is acknowledged in Aho and
Ullman's "Theory of Parsing, Translation, and Compiling", but not
in the Dragon Book.  I have never seen a Robert Martin book on
programming; I probably would have were it written by Bob.

Sorry, I mis-wrote. I meant to say Allen Holub was in the K&R acknowledgements; not Martin.

        - Dan C.