My uncle had a cylindrical sliderule. It had about a dozen "rules" that rotated around the central cylinder, with different gratings on the opposite side of each rule. And the central cylinder had at least a dozen, probably 20 or more, gratings. That yielded hundreds of combinations. I wish he had bequeathed it to me. I have no idea what became of it.

On Mon, Feb 17, 2020 at 7:18 PM Dave Horsfall <> wrote:
On Sun, 16 Feb 2020, Bakul Shah wrote:

> What brand was your grandfather's sliderule?

Mine was an Arista, and had it right through school; have no idea where it
is now.  I also had a circular slide rule, which was fascinating.

Trivia: slide rules were banned for exams (and no calculators in those
days), but log tables were OK; come some important exam, some idiot of a
teacher forgot to specify that log tables were allowed so they were
forbidden.  I merely worked the problems through right down to the long
division, and left them there with a note saying that we were supposed to
use log tables; I passed...

-- Dave
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