Actually Dec would take the stuff on contract in the mid to late 80s.
They went hard on customer service retention and came up with a third party mauntenance plan on stuff like Emulex controllers, CDC976x drives... etc.
Not sure if the Able was in the plan. Had to do with diags and parts availability.
I have some personal experience in the area, but I don't know if I can post it...
Too many war stories before Dec lost the war for survival.
The view from field service was fascinating including non-mergers with AT&T around 1984 and almost an outsource of the Bell Labs data centers to DEC in. 1984.
Sent from Message-----
From: Dave Horsfall <>
To: Computer Old Farts Followers <>
Sent: Fri, 28 Feb 2020 16:58
Subject: Re: [COFF] 52-pin D-Sub?
On Fri, 28 Feb 2020, Clem Cole wrote: