FWIW: System 360 uses what was called the 'push down save area' as part of the function calling convention.  Each routine declared and creates local storage for the registers.   Being reentrant was certainly possible and many languages such as the Algol and APL families were.   It's funny since S/360 was the first architecture I knew deeply (i.e. got paid to program), and working on support for York/APL at the time (and began learning the Univac 1100 too), I just thought this was natural until I began to learn about other processors ISA's like the PDP-11 family that had an SP.

I remember, thinking -- this is so cool.

But as you said, originally early Fortran and Cobol didn't require same.  The typical calling conventions was something like this was pretty standard for the S/360:
WORKAREA  DSECT ,                    Reentrant work area (stack like function)
          DS    18F                  Save area
FIELD1    DS    F                    Some variable
FIELD2    DS    F                    Another variable
WORKLEN   EQU   *-WORKAREA           Length of reentrant work area

SUBRTN1   RSECT ,                    HLASM will perform reentrant checking
          STM   R14,R12,12(R13)      Save registers at entry
          LR    R12,R15              Set code base register
          USING SUBRTN1,R12          Establish code addressability
          LGHI  R0,WORKLEN           Get length of reentrant work area
          STORAGE OBTAIN,            Obtain reentrant work area                  X
                LENGTH=(0)           ..Length is in R0
          ST    R1,8(,R13)           Forward chain in prev save area
          ST    R13,4(,R1)           Backward chain in next save area
          L     R14,20(,R13)         Get R1 at entry (parameters)          
          LR    R13,R1               Set up new save area/reentrant workarea
          USING WORKAREA,R13         Establish work area addressability
          LM    R2,R3,0(R14)         Get addresses of parameters
          STM   R2,R3,FIELD1         Save parameter addresses for later
***    Subroutine Logic goes here
          LR    R1,R13               Address to be released
          L     R13,4(,R13)          Address of prior save area
          LGHI  R0,WORKLEN           Length of storage to release 
          STORAGE RELEASE,           Release reentrant work area                 X
                ADDRESS=(1),         ..Address in R1                             X
                LENGTH=(0)           ..Length in R0
          LM    R14,R12,12(R13)      Restore registers
          OI    15(R13),X'01'        This bit on means this save area is inactive
          BR    R14                  Return to caller

On Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 12:47 AM Peter Jeremy <peter@rulingia.com> wrote:
=> coff since it's non-Unix

On 2020-Jan-22 13:42:44 -0500, Noel Chiappa <jnc@mercury.lcs.mit.edu> wrote:
>Pretty interesting machine, if you study its instruction set, BTW; with no
>stack, subroutines are 'interesting'.

"no stack" was fairly standard amongst early computers.  Note the the IBM
S/360 doesn't have a stack..

The usual approach to subroutines was to use some boilerplate as part of the
"call" or function prologue that stashed a return address in a known
location (storing it in the word before the function entry or patching the
"return" branch were common aproaches).  Of course this made recursion
"hard" (re-entrancy typically wasn't an issue) and Fortran and Cobol (at
least of that vintage) normally don't support recursion for that reason.

Peter Jeremy
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