I work in Python for my day job.  Every day I use PyPi, the third-party package repository, and every time I do I miss CPAN.  Sure, there was a lot of crap in CPAN but the repository itself was well organized.  And Python's testing framework has finally gotten OK-ish, but Perl always had good test facilities.

I quite like the idea of "what musician is your favorite programming language?"  Perl is Captain Beefheart, maybe?  Weird, eclectic, brilliant, frequently incomprehensible?  Java is definitely Coldplay: it's corporate rock.  It's fine.  PHP is Nickelback.


On Mon, Dec 23, 2019 at 4:15 PM Thomas Paulsen <thomas.paulsen@firemail.de> wrote:
On 12/23/2019 2:54 PM, Thomas Paulsen wrote:
>> you are right. However take into consideration that py is very popular
in Linux and certainly Freebsd too.
> So is Taylor Swift ;)
OK, then py is the Taylor Swift of the programming languages. ;-)

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