Lecturer for 101 INFT13/73-600

Your lecturer for INFT13/73-600 in 101 is Warren Toomey.
As I often work from home, the best way to contact me directly is via my e-mail address: wtoomey@staff.bond.edu.au. Otherwise, use the iLearn Discussion tools available for this subject.
I have been teaching IT and programming courses since 1992, and I began work at Bond in 2001.
My teaching philosophy is to provide students with an understanding of the topic being taught, and the implications of the course material within the scope of the field and within society as a whole. This leads naturally to the objective of developing critical thinking, so that students question what they have been taught, and are able to use the knowledge and skills to analyse situations and synthesise complex solutions. I encourage students to use their initiative to find out more about the parts of the course that interests them, and I encourage students to interact with each other and myself, to increase the understanding of the topic being taught.

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