13. There was a musicians' strike on at the time. In common wilh other Variety shows, the cast made do without music. This show and the next also include Milligan's famous ballad 'I'm Walkin8 Backwards for Christmas'. The programme is not coherently announced. 14. Announced as 'The Treasure of Loch Lomond'. 15. Inspired by the film 'The Wages of Fear'. 16. This is an expanded version of the script which formed parts 2 & 3 of the 20th of the 3rd series. It appears again in the 8~h series. 17. This is a new production of no. 17 of the 5th series - the scrip~ is almost identical. 7th Series Scripts by Milligan and Larry Stephens, except nos. 2 and 23, by .~~illigan only. Produced by Pat Dixon, except nos. 1 and 2 produced by Peter Eton. Broadcast Thursdays, except nos. 10 and 13 broadcast Wednesdays. Pre-recorded the previous Sunday (except nos. 6,14,15 and 16). 1 410-56 TLO 12681 The Nasty Affair at the Burami Oasisl 2 l l-10-56 TLO 11799 Drums Along the Mersey (with Valentine Dyall) 3 18-10-56 TLO 14585 The Nadger Plague2 4 25-lo-56 TLO 14586 The MacReekie Rising of ~74 (without Milligan, with George Chisholm) 5 l~ 56 TLO 15209 The Spectre of Tintagel (with Valentine Dyall) 8~ 56 (No. 6 postponed to 142-573; replaced by repeat of 'The Greenslade Story', first broadcast 20-12-55) 7 15~ 56 TLO 15801 The Great Bank Robbery 8 22~ 56 TLO 16600 Personal Narrative' 9 29~ 56 TLO 16989 The Mystery of the Fake Neddie SeagoonsS (TS: The Case of the : Fake Neddie Seagoons) SP for TS TLO 17360 Robin Hood~ (with Valentine Dyall only and Dennis Price) (recorded 2-12-56; not broadcast in Britain) lo 5-12-56 TLO 17361 What's My Line? Il 13-12-56 TLO 17963 The Telephone ~ 12 20-12-56 TLO 18731 The Flea SP 2412-56 TLO 17962 Operation Christmas Duff7 (special - GOS only overseas edition - recorded 9-12-56) 13 26-12-56 TLO 19238 Six Charlies in Search of an Author 14 3- l-57 TLO 19237 Emperor of the Universe (rec. 23-12-56) 15 lo- l-57 TLO 20041 Wings Over Dagenham (rec. 30-12-56) (with George Chisholm) 16 17- l-57 TLO 20042 The Rent Collectors (rec. 30-12-57) (with Bernard Miles) 17 24- l-57 TLO 21509 Shifting Sandsl (with Jack Train~) 18 31- l-57 TLO 21793 The Moon Show 19 7- 2-57 TLO 23090 The Mysterious Punch~up-the- Conkerl 6 14 2-57 TLO 14930 The Sleeping Prmce8 (recorded 4 ~ 56) 145 20 21- 2-57 TLO 22507 Round the World in Eighty Days -. 21 28- 2-57 TLO 23565 Insurance, the White Man's Burden 22 7- 3-57 TLO 24413 The Africa Ship Canala 23 14- 3-57 TLO 24461 Ill Met by Goonlight 24 21- 3-57 TLO 24999 The Missing Boa Constrictorl 25 28 -3-57 TLO 26030 The Histories of Pliny the Elder Notes to 7th senes 1. Not coherently announced. 2 Announced as 'The Great Nadger Plague'. 3 This show, which parodies a Latin-Arnerican type revolution, ~~ : postponed owing to the international situation at the titne (arno4 . other things, the Hungarian uprising was taking place). j 4 Announced as 'The Personal Narrative of Captain Neddie S ~ 5 Annouuced as 'The Great Art Mystery, or The Case of the Fak ~ Neddie Seagoon'. 6. Announced as 'Robin Hood and his Mirry Mon'. This shou, - whuch was recorded specially for TS and not broadcast in th:~ . country (although it has been issued on Parlophone PMC 713_~ ~ is partially based on the script originally broadcast 28-12-54 a~ _ 'Ye Bandit of Sherwood Forest' (14th of 5th series). _- 7. The BBC General Overseas Service was at this tirne broadcastia~ entirely on short waves, so that this show could only have be~~ - heard in this country - and then not very satisfactorily - b! i listeners equipped with short-wave receivers. The show ~ aimed largely at the British Armed Forces overseas. 8. As Colonel Chinstrap (from 'ITMA'). It is interesting that tr~~ character, although from a different show a decade earlier, fi~ i into the Goon Show frarnework with no sense of suain. 9. Announced as 'The Great Trans-Africa Canal'. 1 SP 2~ 8-57 TLO 35307 THE REASON WHY Peter Sellers, Harry Secombe, Spike 1 Milligan, and Valentine Dyall. Announcer: Wallace Greenslade. 1 Music pre-recorded: no audience. Produced by Jacques Brown. 1 Recorded 11-8-57- 1 146 8th Series Scripts by Spike Milligan (SM), Larry Stephens (LS), John Antrobus (JA), and Maurice Wiltshire (MW), as indicated. Produced by Charles Chilton (nos. 1-5 & 17-26), Roy Speer (nos. ~14), and Tom Ronald (nos. 15 & 16). i Broadcast Mondays, pre-recorded the previous Sunday (except no. ~ . 1 30- 9-57 TLO 38857 Spon (SM) (without Secombe, with i Dick Emery) -_ 2 7-10-57 TLO 39090 *The Junk Affairl (SM & LS) ~ 3 1410-57 TLO 39928 The Burning Embassyl (SM & LS) . 4 21-10-57 TLO 40052 *The Great Regent s Park Swim (SM ~ 5 28-10-57 TLO 40562 The Treasure in the Towerl (SM & LS) 6 411-57 TLO 41101 *The Space Age (SM & LS) - 7 11 ~ 57 TLO 41712 The Red Fort2 (SM & LS) _ 8 18 ~ 57 TLO 41935 *The Missing Battleshipl (SM & LS) (without Geldray) ' 9 25 ~ 57 TLO 42750 The Policy (SM & LS) 10 2-12-57 TLO 42899 *King Solomon's Mines (SM & LS) 11 9-12-57 TLO 43427 The Stolen Postman (LS) 12 16-12-57 TLO 44167 *The Great British Revolution (SM & LS) 13 23-12-57 TLO 44618 The Plasticine Man (SM & LS) (without Ellington) 14 30-12-57 TLO 45270 *African Incidentl (SM & LS) (with Cecile Chcvreau) 15 6- 1-58 TLO 45929 The Thing on the Mountain 16 13- 1-58 TLO 46344 *The String Robberies~ (SM) (with George Chisholm) 17 20- 1-58 TLO 47306 The Moriarty MurderMystery(LS& MW) 18 27- 1-58 TLO 47557 The Curse of Frankenstein4 (SM) (rec. 19-1-58) (without Ellington, with George Chisholm) 19 3- 2-58 TLO 47740 The White Neddie Trade (LS& MW) 20 10- 2-58 TLO 48542 Ten Snowballs that Shook the World (SM) 21 17- 2-58 TLO 49421 *The Man Who Never Was6 (SM & LS) 22 2~4 2-58 TLO 49663 *World War One¡ (SM) (TS:' I') * N special TS series of 'Vmt8ge Goons' ~ased on scripts from the 4h series) w8~ recorded on the same datcs 8s the shows marked * ~see page ~49). 147 23 3- 3-58 TLO 50040 *The Spon Plague7 (SM & JA) (wi ~ George Chisholm) 24 10 -3-58 TLO 51225 *Tiddleywinksl (SM) (with John ! Snagge) 25 17- 3-58 TLO 50769 *The Evils of Bushey SponS (SM) - (with A. E. Matthews) 26 24 3-58 TLO 51440 *The Great Statue Debatel (SM & JA) Notes to 8th serles 1 - ~ot coherentdy announced. 2 Announced as 'A Tale of India'. 3. Announced as 'The Great String Robberies'. I 4. Announced as 'The Curse of Frankenstein - BLAST!' and th~ continues as a story entitled 'My Heart's in the Highlands'. ! 5. This script is a re-working of no. 27 and of the 6th series, itse~' an expanded version of part of no. 20 of the 3rd series. It is t~ 6th series version which has been issued by Transcription Servic~ 6. The script is tided ' !' as are the TS issues: the announ~ titde is written as ' ~' and pronounced as a faint murmur- Milligan's interpretation of illegible writing on a faded ma_u- script 7. Announced as 'The Great Spon Plague'. 8. Inspired by a real-life row A. E. Matthews was having with his local council about a concrete lamp-post they wanted to put outside his house. (There is also a reference to this in the previou~ show). Mr Matthews appears only in the last five minutes of th~- show, which are ad-libbed by all concerned owing to Mr Ma~- thews's utter refusal to stick to the plot. ¥ *a special TS series of 'Vintage Goons' (based on scripts from the 4h series) w~ recorded on thc same dates as the shows marked * (see pa~e 149). 148 I 'Vintage Goons' ~ series recorded specially for TS. Scripts by Spike Milligan. ; Produced by Charles Chilton (nos. 1, 2, & 9-14), Roy Speer (nos. . ~7), and Tom Ronald (no. 8). -- Recordcd Sundays together with 8~ series shows. recorded TS tape no 1 6-1~57 Tl/AG/2966 *The Mummined Priest 2 2~10-57 T7jAG/3654 *The Greatest Mountain in the = World 3 3 ~ 57 Tl/AG/3054 The Missing Ten Downing Street2 4 17 ~ 57 TS/AG/4309 *The Giant Bombardon (with - Valentine Dyall) - 5 1-12-57 TS/AG14341 The Kippered Herring Gang 6 15-12-57 TSIAG14382 *The Vanishing Room 7 29-12-57 TSIAG14417 The Ink Shortage3 8 12- 1-58 Tl/AG/3875 The Mustard and Cress Shortage' - 9 16- 2-58 Tl/AG/3965 The Internal Mountain 10 23- 2-58 TS/AG/4597 The Silent Buglerj 11 2- 3-58 T2/AG/4043 *The Great Bank of England , Robbery~ 12 9- 3-58 Tl/AG/4025 The Dreaded Piano Clubber - 13 16- 3-58 TS/AG/4661 The Siege of Fort Night ; 14 2~ 3-58 T2/AG/4060 *The Albert Memorial7 - ~SiY of these ~hows were bro8dc~t on Mondays inunediatdy prior tO the 9th seri": broadcast BH tape no. 1 22- 9-58 TLO 65468 The Mummined Priest 2 29- 9-58 TLO 65469 The Greatest Mountain in the - World - 4 6-10-58 TLO 65470 The Giant Bombardon 6 13-1(~58 TLO 65471 The Vanishing Room , 11 2~10-58 TLO 65472 The Great Bank of England Robbery 14 27-10-58 TLO 65473 The Albert Memorial T Notes to 'Vintage Goons' c All scripts in this series are based on scripts from the 4th series, o . with a certain amount of re-writing. When six of these shows ~ j~j broadcast in the Home SeNice immediately prior to the 9th sc; { Radio Times contrived, in a badly-worded write-up, to give the i pression that they were recorded r~peats of 4th series shows. To ~ i to the confusion, the repeat series broadcast in 1964 and 1970 ~t ~ billed as 'Vinuge Goons', although none of the shows concerned c~: 1i from the original 'Vinuge Goon' series, some of which have still ric ~ been broadcast in this counuy. ~j 2. Based on 4115 and announced as 'The Missing Prime Ministc~ ~ 3. Based on 4122 and announced as 'Hansard UneYpurgated'. ~ 4. Based on 4124 and announced as 'The Collap8e of the Bri~ ~~j Railway Sandwich System'. ~ 5. Based on 4125; the nearest to an announcement is 'take the C s of Agent X2'. ~ - 6. Announced f~rst as 'Open Cas~book' and later by t'ne official u ~ 7. Announc~d as 'The First Albert Memorial to the Moon'. 9th Series Scripts by Spike Milligan (except no. 7). Produced by John Browell. Broadcast Mondays, except no. 12 broadcast Tuesday; pre-recorded ~revious Suuday. 1 3~ 58 TLO 68887 The Sabara Desert Statuel 2 1~11-58 TLO 68950 I Was Monty's Treble 3 17~ 58 TLO 69769 The ~1,000,000 Penny2 4 24~ S8 TLO 70536 The Parn's Paper Insll~ncePolicyl s l-12-58 TLO 71336 The Mountain Eatersl 6 8-12-58 TLO 71467 The Childe Harolde Rewardel 7 15-12-58 TLO 72138 The Seagoon Mernoirsl (script by Larry Stephens and Maurice Wiltshire) 8 22-12-58 TLO 72851 Queen Anne's Rainl 9 29-12-58 TLO 73413 The Battle of Spion Kopl lo s- l-59 TLO 74315 Ned's Atomic Dustbinl (with John Snagge - pre-rec.) ll 12- l-59 TLO 7S177 Who Is Pink Oboe?~ (without Sellers; - with Kenneth Connor, Valentine Dyau, Grabarn Stark, Jack Train and John Snagge, (who was pre-rec.)) 12 20- l-59 TLO 76074 The Call of the West' 13 26- l-59 TLO 76177 Dishonoured - Again~ 14 2- 2-s9 TLO 76513 The Scarlet Capsule' (with Andrew Tirnothy - pre-rec.) 15 9- 2-59 TLO 77465 The Tay Bridgel (with George - Chishokn) 16 16- 2-59 TLO 77725 The Gold Plate Robbery7 17 23- 2-59 TLO 78107 The ~50 Curel (without Secombe, with Kenneth Connor)