Introduction to Operating Systems

1  Introduction to Operating Systems

1.1  What is an Operating System?


1.2  Kernel Mode and User Mode

1.3  APIs: Interfaces to Programs


1.4  Types of Operating Systems

Every operating system is different, and each is designed to meet a set of goals. However, we can generally classify operating systems into the following categories. In this course, we will concentrate on server operating systems: these are much more sophisticated and complex then the other operating system types, and will give us a lot more to look at. In particular, we will also concentrate on multi-user systems: these are systems which support multiple users at the same time.

2  Design Principles & Concepts

2.1  The Process

2.2  Memory

2.3  Files

2.4  Windows

2.5  Different Operating System, Different APIs

(from Tanenbaum)

2.6  The OS vs The User

2.7  System Calls and Traps

      count= read(fd, buffer, nbytes);
(from Tanenbaum)

2.8  Operating System Structure

2.9  The Monolithic Model


2.10  Client-Server Model

(from Tanenbaum)
(from Tanenbaum)

2.11  Microkernels

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