System Architecture

(INFT12-212 and 72-212)
Lab Notes for Week 11: File Systems, File System Calls

1  Features of Files

1.1  File Names

Unix files have one or more names. Names can consist of the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and most punctuation. Spaces are not allowed; neither is the '/' character (why not)?
Files are organised hierarchically into directories, mainly for the benefit of the users. There are two ways of expressing the name of each file:

1.2  Activity

Imagine that you are user mary, and when you log in your working directory is /home/student/mary. Your home directory looks like:
   drwxr-xr-x  2 mary  student     512 Apr 24 14:41 Mail
   -rw-------  1 mary  student     423 Apr 20 12:20 diary
   -rw-r--r--  1 mary  student   25931 Apr 20 15:50 notes
   -rw-rw-r--  1 mary  student  201486 Apr 20 15:50 things_todo

What are the relative and absolute names for these four files/directories? If you now cd into the Mail directory, you find the files:
   -r--------   1 mary      student       4387 Apr 11 11:20 Andrea
   -rw-r-----   1 mary      student        161 Apr 11 11:02 Bill
   -rw-r-----   1 mary      student        401 Apr 17 13:00 Karen
   -rw-r-----   1 mary      student       2324 Apr 17 12:59 Loren
   -rwxr-x---   1 mary      student     132412 Apr 17 12:59 Mick
   -rw-r-----   1 mary      student       1641 Apr 11 11:56 Steven
   -rw-r-----   1 mary      student       4528 Apr 17 12:54 Vicki

Give an absolute and relative way of viewing the file Andrea? Hint: the less command allows you to view files. Do the same for the file things_todo, without moving out of the Mail directory.
If another student, kim, has a file called for_mary in her home area, how can you view the file with the less program?

1.3  File Metadata

Every operating system keeps information about files: their name, their size, etc. This is known as file metadata. The metadata that Unix keeps on each file is given below (with the Unix name for each piece of data):
The device number of the device containing the i-node. This tells you on what device the file is stored.
The i-node number. Each file has a unique i-node number (that is, unique on that particular device).
The 16-bit protection for the file. See below.
The number of name links to this file.
The user-ID of the file's owner.
The group-ID; this and the protection affects how certain people can use the file.
The current size of the file.
The access time as the number of seconds since 1970. Updated whenever the file is read, but not when a directory that appears in a path is searched.
The modification time, updated when the file is written. Updated when a link is added to or removed from a directory.
The status-change time, updated when the file is written or when the mode, owner, group, link count, or modification time is changed.
The protection entry is broken into several fields:
File Type Set-uid User Group Other
4 bits sgt rwx rwx rwx
Let's tackle the right-most three fields first. Each gives read, write and execute permissions to a particular user. Each user in Unix has a unique it user-ID and one or more group-IDs. A user can access a file if:
  1. The file is owned by the user, and the appropriate User permission is on, else
  2. The file's group-ID matches one of the group-IDs that the user has, and the appropriate Group permission is on, else
  3. The appropriate Other permission is on.
The read, write and execute permissions allow you to read and write to files and directories, and to execute (i.e run) a program if it is stored in a file. However, you can't execute a directory, so what does the execute permission mean here? If a directory has execute permissions, then it can be searched, for example by an ls command.
Let's have a look at some examples. Try the id command to see what user-ID and group-IDs you have:
  $ id
    uid=5125(fred) gid=100(student)

This gives your numeric user- and group-IDs, with the textual names in parentheses. Imagine that you are user-ID mary, with group IDs student and masters. Which files can you read and write to below? Which directories can you look in?
    drwx------   4 mary      student       1024 Aug 15  1995 TeX
    drwx------   9 mary      masters        512 Jan  5  1996 Units
    drwxr-x---   3 fred      student        512 Jun 18  1996 Wish
    drwxr-x---   2 mary      staff          512 Apr 17 12:54 code_tools
    -rw-rw----   1 mary      student        141 Apr  3 18:12 diskit
    -rw-r-----   1 mary      student        140 Apr  3 18:14 forkit.c
    drwxr-xr-x  26 joe       admin         1024 Mar  5 08:19 inferno
    ----r-----   1 mary      student         39 Apr  3 18:22 stopit
    -------rwx   1 mary      student       6452 Apr 17 18:22 thrash
    -r--rw----   1 mary      student        807 Apr 17 18:22 thrash.c
    -rw-r-----   1 jim       masters         22 Apr  3 18:06 while.c

Mary's file thrash has very strange permissions. Explain them.
We will leave the Setuid permission fields until the security lab. The left-most field in the protection data is the type of file. Unix has the following file types:
REG (-)
A regular file.
DIR (d)
A directory.
CHR (c)
A character device (used for direct device access).
BLK (b)
A block device (used for direct device access).
LNK (l)
A symbolic link (more later).
FIFO (f)
A named pipe.
SOCK (s)
A socket.

1.4  Activity

Download the file stat.c into your home area and compile it as per usual.
Now use stat to look at the metadata of files in your home area, e.g ./stat stat.c. Compare the results from stat with ls -l. Look at some directories with stat as well. Make some directories with mkdir if you don't have any.

1.5  Holey Files

We talked about `holey files' in the OS lectures. Let's create a holey file and see what one looks like.
Download the file lseek.c into your home area and compile it as per usual.
This program creates and opens a new file, seeks a million characters from the beginning, and writes the words `The end' there, then closes the file. How big should the file be? Do an ls -l on the created file and see how big it really is. Now run the program du -a which show how many 1K disk blocks each files actually takes up.
You should see a considerable difference in the size in bytes, and the size in disk blocks. Once you've finished this section, remove the holey file; if you don't, it will take up a lot of space on our backups!

1.6  Directory Links

The number of links a file has indicates the number of names that the file has; remember that Unix allows a file to have multiple names. As directories are also files, they too can have any number of names.
Create a new directory called New in your home area. Do an ls -l in your home area. How many links does the New directory have? Can you explain this?
Hint: Consider the following picture showing the created name links:

1.7  Security - Changing File Permissions

We looked at file permissions in the last lab. The command used to change file permissions in Unix is chmod, and is used as follows:
  $ chmod [ugo][+-=][rwx] file [file ...]

where you can choose one or more letters from the ugo list, exactly one letter from the +-= list and one or more letters from the rwx list. You can also name more than one file on the command line.
ugo sets the permissions columns which are affected, rwx sets the particular permissions, and +- enables or disables permissions. The = operation turns on the permissions named, and turns off all other permissions.

1.8  Activity

Explain what the following chmod commands do:
  $ chmod ug+r file
  $ chmod ugo+rx directory
  $ chmod go=rx directory
  $ chmod go-w file1 file2 file3
  $ chmod u-w file
  $ chmod go-rx directory1 directory2

Do an ls -la directory listing of your home directory and subdirectories. Use chmod to set the appropriate permissions on your files or directories.

1.9  The Sticky Bit Permission Flag

If you are user mary and you had the following directory in your home area:
  drwxrwxrwx  12 mary  student     512 Jan 13 14:19 Share_area

explain what things other users could do in the directory. If there is a file called my_file owned by mary in Share_area, can other users rename it? Can other users alter the file's contents? Can other users delete the file?
In order to reduce problems on shared-writeable directories, modern versions of Unix have a permission flag called the `sticky bit'. This can be set using chmod, and the permission flag is shown by ls as follows:
  $ ls -ld Share_area
  drwxrwxrwx  12 mary  student     512 Jan 13 14:19 Share_area

  $ chmod u+t Share_area
  $ ls -ld Share_area
  drwxrwxrwt  12 mary  student     512 Jan 13 14:19 Share_area

When the `sticky bit' is set, only the owner of a file can make changes to the file's metadata. This allows the file's contents to be shared (with appropriate access permissions), but prevents other people from renaming or deleting the file itself.

1.10  Activity

The two main temporary directories in Unix, /tmp and /usr/tmp, have their `sticky bit' turned on:
  $ ls -ld /tmp /usr/tmp
  drwxrwxrwt   9 sys      sys         2941 May 27 11:05 /tmp
  drwxrwxrwt  75 sys      sys         9216 May 27 11:07 /usr/tmp

Cd into the /tmp directory and see if you can rename or delete files owned by other people in these directories. Note that Linux doesn't have the /usr/tmp directory.

1.11  Set-User Permission Flags

Often you have a file that you want to give users permission to work on, but the normal Unix permissions are not enough. For example, users need to change their password, which is stored in /etc/shadow. But if we let all users write into /etc/shadow, then they could change other users' passwords!
Unix overcomes this problem by marking programs with a special flag. For example, on systems not using LDAP, the program passwd is used to change your password; it must be able to modify the /etc/shadow file, but only for your password.
  $ ls -l /etc/shadow /bin/passwd
  -rw-------   1 root     sys          772 Jun 14 13:17 /etc/shadow
  -r-sr-xr-x   3 root     sys        99640 Oct  6  1998 /bin/passwd

As you can see above, the execute (`x') permission on the program is now an `s'. This means the programs is a set-user program.
When a set-user program runs, it runs with the identity of the program's owner, and not the person running the program. If you run /bin/passwd, it runs with root identity, and not your identity.
So when you run /bin/passwd, it runs as user root, and root can edit the file /etc/shadow.

1.12  Activity

Do a long listing of the files /home/staff/wkt/suid and /home/staff/wkt/suid2. You should see that they are identical, but suid2 has the set-user permission turned on.
The suid and suid2 programs, when run, show you the contents of wkt's home directory, and try to show you the contents of the directory hidden_directory which is in wkt's home directory.
Explain why, when you run /home/staff/wkt/suid, you cannot see what is in the hidden_directory? What is stopping you from seeing in there? Can you run a command other than suid to see in there?
Now run /home/staff/wkt/suid2. Explain why this program can see what is in the hidden_directory? What allows it to see in there? Can you run a command other than suid2 to see in there?
If you enable the set-user permission on a program that you wrote, what security implications does this have? Do you think you should leave your set-user programs lying around on the system where anybody can run them?
Why would it not be advisable to do the command rm * as the last line in the program?

1.13  Activity

The following command lists all of the set-user programs on the system:
  $ find / -perm -04000 -exec ls -l {} \; 2> /dev/null

(It can take quite a while to run). Who owns most of the programs? What effective user-ID is used when most of these programs are run?
Explain why these programs have have the set-user bit turned on?
Explain why none of these programs should be writeable by group or others? Alternatively, explain what problems could occur if they were writeable by group or others?

2  File-related System Calls

The main four Unix and Linux systems calls related to files are: Here is an example C program which opens two files, one for reading and the other for writing, and copies the contents of the first file into the second. Compile and run it as per usual.

3  Outlook for the Next Lab

In the last lab, we will look at threads and thread scheduling.

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