The WWW Virtual Library - other subjects .


Information categorised by subject. Please mail if you know of online information not in these lists.

There is also the Free On-line Dictionary of Computing , and the Unified Computer Science TR Index to scan a lot of technical report.

Specialized Fields

MIT Algorithms indexes and Multigrid algorithms.
Artificial Intelligence.
MIT AI Lab ; CTAN (the Center for Applied and Theoretical Neuroscience); ACM SIGART (Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence). KSL : Knowledge Systems Laboratory of the National Research Council of Canada.
The CWI audio archive , Computational Phonology .
The North Carolina State University ACS Sybase Archive .
The Stanford Center for Design Research (CDR) . The CDR explores the application of new computer technologies in support of collaborative design. A wide array of research projects is described.
Consensus Development have a service covering all facets of software support for collaboration, including groupware (defined as software to support collaboration and intentional group processes,) decision support, facilitation, electronic democracy, hypertext authoring, online documentation, document architecture, shared spaces, virtual organizations, and online knowledge management.
Jargon .
Computer hacker's jargon index.
Human-Computer Interaction.
HCI bibiography ,
Hypertext and Information
Separate list. See also conferences ,..
High Performance.
HPCwire bulletin board; the Cornell Theory Center , which includes links to extensive online information system about supercomputing architectures there (currently including IBM ES9000, IBM RS/6000 cluster, IBM SP1, IBM PVS, and Kendall Square Research KSR1); Heterogeneous Supercomputing work done at the AHPCRC . Lateiner Dataspace information on high-performance three-dimensional computation, including the ARPA proposal done in partnership with Kendall Square Research for a real-time volume rendered virtual reality with real-time physical simulation.
SIGGRAPH bibliography .

University of Manchester Computer Graphics Unit research and software .

Ray-tracing software collected by Lateiner Dataspace.

Languages .
Some reference information on computing languages.
Networking .
Separate list.
PSU Linux Info Sited at Pennsylvania, USA contains information about Linux, a free Unix for intel 386 computers. This server is run by a student, not PSU. The site will close around May 7, 1994
Internet newsgroups comp.* ; the Usenet .
Parallel Supercomputing.
  • YCPS (the Yale Center for Parallel Supercomputing).
  • CREMISI Information on the activities of the CNR (Italian National Research Council) on Parallel Computing and also some related locally generated reports and software.
  • SYNERGY Project Temple University.
Area dedicated to Newton .
Software Technology
Mike Sendall's indexed hypertext information store.
The telecom archive at MIT.
Text processing.
TeX documentation .
Different manufacturer's manual pages; help for new users.
Virtual Reality.
UK special Interest group .
EXUG (European X User Group).
Lateiner Dataspace
Vox-L Inc. Products of the spinoff companies of Lateiner Dataspace.

University Computer Science Departments.

Australian National University.
ANU Computer Sciences .
University of Birmingham, UK.
The School of Computer Science provides information on its degree courses, current research and other local information.
Brigham Young University (BYU), USA.
CS Department also Laboratory for Applied Logic .
Carnegi Mellon, USA
School of Computer Science . Includes technical reports, online library, and CMU white pages server.
Caltech, USA
Caltech Concurrent Supercomputing Facilities (CCSF) . Includes CCSF annual reports, postscript manuals for the Intel Paragon parallel supercomputer (PostScript). Also Xmorphia: An interactive exhibition of pattern formation by a partial differential equation of reaction-diffusion type. Is this how the leopard gets its spots .
University of Chile, Chile.
Department of Computer Science .
Cornell University, USA
Cornell Information Technologies (C.I.T.) Computer HelpDesk . Information on computing at Cornell and the use of computers and the network in general as well as access to several of Cornell's computer services.
TU Delft, Netherlands.
Department of Technical Mathematics and Informatics .
Dublin City University, Ireland.
School of Computer Applications with information about staff, postgrads, research areas and papers. Centre for Software Engineering who are helping Irish software developers to achieve the highest standards of quality and productivity.
TU Eindhoven, Netherlands.
Department of Mathematics and Computing Science .
University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.
Institute of Computer Science
University of Exeter, UK.
The Department of Computer Science has research papers, postgraduate study details and personnel information.
University of Florida, USA.
The Computer and Information Sciences Department
Georgia State University, USA.
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science .
Imperial College, London, UK.
Department of Computing . Covers both Department of Computing, Imperial College, services and the archive services (include archie scanning).
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
Department of Computer Science . An introduction to the department, a guided tour, technical reports, research groups... The Student Computing Research Group (experimental Jan 94) is maintained by undergraduate students.
University of Limerick, Republic of Ireland.
The Department of Computer Science and Information Systems provides information on Natural Language Processing and some research projects.
Université de Montréal, Canada.
Département d'Informatique et de Recherche Operationnelle. Includes work by the department and its many research labs. (Pages in French.)
University of Manchester, UK.
University of Maryland, USA.
Institute for Advanced Computer Studies An experimental WWW server. Links to UMIACS and University of Maryland Department of Computer Science Technical Reports, other Research Projects and Papers. Links to faculty and staff home pages and links to other services on campus are also available. This server is still under construction and as new information becomes available it will be posted.
Old Dominion University, USA.
Computer Science Department Provides information about the university and the services that it provides, especially pertaining to the Computer Science Department. Information about many faculty and graduate projects are online for perusal.
Oklahoma State University, USA.
Computer Science Department Details about ftp archive, the local chapter of the ACM, and information about various courses.
Pisa University, Italy.
Computer Science Department With information about the department, its documentation and a massive icon collection.
University of Rochester, USA.
Computer Science Department With information about the department.
Rhodes University, South Africa.
The main campus server sited in the Computing Centre, Rhodes University, Grahamstown provides Rhodes-specific information, as well as information relating to networking in Southern Africa. There is also a link to the ZA news hierarchy. (This is an unofficial server.)
Salzburg University, Austria.
The Department of computer Science some of the documents are in english, most in german.
Temple University, USA
Department of Computer Science SYNERGY Project .
Yale, USA.
Computer Sciences . See also Yale "ZOO" Computing Lab.
University of Washington, Seattle, USA.
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering . Also research summary of research fields, including Mobile Computing.
University of Wuppertal, Germany.
Institute of Applied Computer Science (IAI). .

Institutes, Centres and Laboratories.

Bell Laboratories , USA.
The AT&T Bell Laboratories (Murray Hill, New Jersey).
CRS4 , Sardinia.
Centre for Advanced Studies, Research and Development. It's an interdisciplinary research centre developing advanced simulation techniques and applying them, by means of high performance computers, to the solution of large scale computational problems in various fields.
CSP , Italy.
Centro Supercalcolo Piemonte (Piedmont Supercomputing Center), located in Turin.
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA.
The College of Computing Home Page .
INRIA , France.
Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique
International Computer Science Institute (affiliated with the CS division of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department U.C Berkeley.
KSL NRC , Canada.
Knowledge Systems Laboratory of the National Research Council of Canada. Research in Artificial Intelligence (includes pointers to other AI servers).
Lateiner Dataspace , USA.
Official publications of Lateiner Dataspace Labs of Woburn, Massachussetts.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology , USA.
Includes not just AI work but compilers and computer architecture as well. Also UREC , France.
L'Unité Réseaux du CNRS. (Pages in French.)

For Particular Computer Systems.


There is also the Aminet collection.

NeXT news and information .