13th April, 1990
It was an overcast sky, and the degenerate orbitals slowly precessed via the nearby underpass. Robert took Patrick's arm, and threw it over the chair which he proceeded to push down the railway track with great difficulty. The effort involved was enormous - he strained his left toenail with the effort. Howling in pain and grasping his left ear in his teeth, Cuthbert clawed his way desperately to his right ear, which was quietly falling off a nearby cliff.
The mecurial rollerskates were causing singeing marks to appear just around the edge of the potplant which was disguised as a lamppost. Back in the pot, Anja's skull was bubbling nicely. A mixture of gristle and bones were no substitute for Filet Mignon and Smeaton's pies with grated cheese and tomato sauce, but hopefully the engine would start.
Later that morning, the sun dawned as it set slowly across the unilateral zenith. Patrick breathed his penultimate breath. Knowing that the next would be his last, he held it as long as he could manage to say `Jack Frost' and skate once around the potplant whilst whistling Dixie at the same time. The sixth rollerskate was not interested in participating, and therefore didn't. Rolling past the gruesome remains of Patrick, it took one look at the mess and threw up. This caused the bearings in Stephanie's rollerskates to jam, strawberry and elderberry conserve plus assorted marmalade nights and drunken stupor. Thus the panicked alcoholic grabbed Robert by the throat and squeezed him into a metho bottle.
Ordinarily, Dennis the hedgehog felt that he was missing something and jumped in after Robert. Alex followed rashly, his rollerskates squealing. Gravel sprayed in all directions whilst blood sprayed far and wide. The semi-trailer driver drove off in disgust, trailing his broken exhaust system behind the car. Sergeant Melinda gave him a defect notice. Wesborough broke into the throne room, raised his notice and defected to the West, who killed Dr. Smith and Will Robinson. Amen.