bsdnews(1L) MISC. REFERENCE MANUAL PAGES bsdnews(1L) NAME bsdnews - user interface to *BSD news archive SYNOPSIS bsdnews DESCRIPTION bsdnews is a user interface to a *BSD news archive. The interface allows you to search the subject lines of the news for keywords, and then to read some/all of the articles you found. The user accesses the program by telnetting to the machine, logging in as bsdnews. She/he then interacts with it by giving it lines of commands. The follow- ing commands are available: help [command] - gives explicit help on the named command, or a short synopsis of the available commands. ? [command] - the same as help. grep [-i] egrep_pattern - search the *BSD news subject lines for the given egrep pattern. The result is displayed on the screen with either less or cat, depending on the value of the PAGER variable; see Environment Variables for more details. mail email_address - mail the result of the last grep or read to the given email address. prog [-i] egrep_pattern - the same as grep. read article - read the contents of the requested article. The arti- cle is a decimal number, given in the left-most column of the grep results. The result is displayed on the screen with either less or cat, depending on the value of the PAGER variable. quit - exit the program. set [variable [value] ] - set the named variable to the given value. If the value is not given, the value 1 is used. If both vari- able and value are omitted, the list of variables and their values is printed. unset variable - remove the named variable from the list of set vari- ables. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES The operation of bsdnews is affected by certain variables and their values. These variables are: PATH - the path used to find the following programs: egrep, sed, cat, cp, sort, rm, gunzip, tar and the pager used. PAGER - if unset, the result of a grep or read is sent directly to the screen. If set, a pager is used to show the result one page at a time; the default pager is less. LESS - if less is the default pager, this variable controls its operation. See the manual page for less for more details. TERM - most pagers need to know the type of terminal being used. This variable should be set to your terminal type. LAST - if set, and you have done a grep and then a read, the grep is redisplayed after you have finished reading the article. This allows you to continue browsing through your search after reading each article. SORT - this variable takes one of two values, date and sub- ject. If unset or set to subject, the result of a grep is sorted according to the contents of the subject lines found. If set to date, the result of a grep is sorted according to the article numbers found, which gives a roughly chronological sorting. SEE ALSO last(1L), egrep(1)