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intro, errno \(mi introduction to system calls and error numbers
.B #include <errno.h>
Section 2 describes the entries into the operating system.
.SS "File I/O"
Files are opened for input or output
.IR open (2)
.IR creat .
These calls return a integer called a
.IR "file descriptor"
which identifies the file
to subsequent I/O calls,
.IR read (2)
.IR write .
File descriptors range from 0 to 127 in the current system.
The system gets to pick the numbers,
but they may be reassigned by
.IR dup (2)
.IR dup2 .
By agreement among user programs,
file descriptor 0 is the standard input,
1 is the standard output,
2 is for error messages,
and 3 is the controlling terminal if any.
The operating system is unaware of these conventions;
it is permissible to close file 0,
or even to replace it by a file open only for writing,
but many programs will be confused by such chicanery.
Files are normally read or written in sequential order.
.IR Lseek (2)
addresses arbitrary locations.
Files have associated status,
consisting of ownerships,
permission modes,
access dates,
and so on.
The status is retrieved by
.IR stat (2);
the calls in
.IR chmod (2)
alter parts of it.
New files are made with
.I creat
.IR open (2)).
An existing file may be given an additional name
.IR link (2)
.IR symlink ;
names are removed by
.IR unlink (2).
Directories are created and removed by
.IR mkdir (2)
.IR rmdir .
Device files and communication channels
admit a plethora of special operations,
most specific to the device in question;
.IR ioctl (2)
and the device writeups in section 4,
.IR ttyld (4)
for terminals
.IR stream (4)
for communications.
.IR Pipe (2)
creates nameless streams,
useful for local communication.
Several streams may be monitored in parallel by
.IR select (2).
.SS "Process execution and control"
A new process is created
when an existing one calls
.IR fork (2).
The new (child) process starts out with
copies of the address space and most other attributes
of the old (parent) process.
In particular,
the child starts out running
the same program as the parent;
.IR exec (2)
will bring in a different one.
Each process has an integer process id,
unique among all currently active processes;
a process group id,
used to distribute signals
among processes in the same session
or window;
a userid and groupid,
which determine access permissions;
a character-string login name
for the current user
(not the same as permissions).
The calls in
.IR getuid (2)
retrieve and change these values.
Various events cause software traps (signals):
program errors like addressing violations,
software events like the interrupt key on the terminal,
the alarm clock set by
.IR alarm (2),
calls to
.IR kill
.IR signal (2)).
Most signals terminate the process by default;
.IR signal (2)
will arrange to trap or ignore them instead.
A process terminates
on receiving a signal
or by calling
.IR exit (2).
A parent process may call
.I wait
.IR exit (2))
to wait for some child to terminate.
A single byte of status information
may be passed from
.I exit
.IR wait .
.SS "Timekeeping"
.IR Time (2)
.I ftime
return the time of day
and related information.
.IR Times (2)
returns runtime accounting
for this process
and its children.
.IR Profil
arranges to increment various locations
in memory whenever the clock ticks;
it is useful for execution profiling.
.IR Times ,
.IR profil ,
and a few other calls
measure time in clock ticks.
The clock frequency is given by the constant
.BR <sys/param.h> ;
60 ticks per second
in this system.
.IR intro (3),
.IR perror (3)
A `Diagnostics' paragraph appears in the page for each system call
that has an error return.
Unless otherwise stated, the error value is the integer \-1,
and the success value is 0.
When an error occurs,
an error number is assigned to
the external variable
.IR errno .
.I Errno
is not cleared on successful calls, so it should be tested only
after an error has occurred.
There is a table of messages that describe the errors
and a routine for printing them;
.IR perror (3).
The list below gives
the number, the name (as defined in
.BR <errno.h> ),
and the
.I perror
message for each error type.
The reasons for error returns are explained in general terms;
further explanations for less obvious error returns
appear in the writeups of individual system calls.
.en 0 \h'\w'EIO'u' "Error 0
No error has occurred.
.en 1 EPERM "Not owner
An attempt was made to modify a file in some way forbidden
except to its owner or the super-user,
or an ordinary user attempted to do something
allowed only to the super-user.
.en 2 ENOENT "No such file or directory
A file name was specified
and the file should exist but didn't, or one
of the directories in a path name did not exist.
.en 3 ESRCH "No such process
The process whose number was given to
.I kill
did not exist, or was already dead.
.en 4 EINTR "Interrupted system call
A signal
which the user has elected to catch
occurred during a system call.
If execution is resumed
after processing the signal,
it will appear as if the interrupted system call
returned this error condition.
.en 5 EIO "I/O error
A physical I/O error
or timeout occurred,
usually in
.IR read ,
.IR write ,
.IR ioctl .
This error may in some cases be returned
on a call following the one to which it actually applies.
.en 6 ENXIO "No such device or address
I/O on a special file referred to a device which does not
exist or is off line,
or beyond the limits of the device.
.en 7 E2BIG "Arg list too long
An argument list longer than 16384 bytes
was presented to
.IR exec .
.en 8 ENOEXEC "Exec format error
A request was made to execute a file
which, although it had the appropriate permissions,
did not start with a valid magic number, see
.IR a.out (5).
.en 9 EBADF "Bad file number
A file descriptor referred to no
open file,
or a
.I read
/IR write )
a file which was open only for writing (resp. reading).
.en 10 ECHILD "No children
.IR wait ,
the process had no
living or unwaited-for children.
.en 11 EAGAIN "No more processes
.IR fork ,
the system's process table was full
or the user was not allowed to create any more
.en 12 ENOMEM "Not enough memory
.I exec
.I brk,
a program asked for more memory or swap space
than the system was able to supply.
.en 13 EACCES "Permission denied
An attempt was made to access a file in a way forbidden
by the protection system.
.en 14 EFAULT "Bad address
The system encountered a hardware fault in attempting to
access the arguments of a system call.
.en 15 EHASF "Directory not empty
An attempt was made to remove a nonempty directory.
.en 16 EBUSY "In use
An attempt was made to mount a device that was already mounted
(or crashed or was copied in mounted state),
to dismount a device
on which there was an active file
(open file, current directory, mounted-on file, active text segment),
or to remove the current directory of some process.
.en 17 EEXIST "File exists
An existing file was mentioned in an inappropriate context,
.IR link .
.en 18 EXDEV "Cross-device link
A link to a file on another device
was attempted.
.en 19 ENODEV "No such device
An attempt was made to apply an inappropriate
system call to a device;
e.g. read a write-only device.
.en 20 ENOTDIR "Not a directory
A non-directory was specified where a directory
is required,
for example in a path name or
as an argument to
.IR chdir .
.en 21 EISDIR "Is a directory
An attempt to write on a directory.
.en 22 EINVAL "Invalid argument
Some invalid argument:
dismounting a non-mounted
mentioning an unknown signal in
.IR signal ,
reading or writing a file for which
.I lseek
has generated a negative pointer.
Also set by math functions, see
.IR intro (3).
.en 23 ENFILE "File table overflow
The system's table of open files was full,
and temporarily no more
.I opens
could be accepted.
.en 24 EMFILE "Too many open files
The limit is 128 per process.
.en 25 ENOTTY "Illegal ioctl
The function code mentioned in
.I ioctl
does not apply to the file or device.
.en 26 ETXTBSY "Text file busy
An attempt to execute a pure-procedure
program which was open for writing,
or to open for writing a pure-procedure
program that was being executed.
.en 27 EFBIG "File too large
The size of a file exceeded the maximum (about
.if t 10\u\s-29\s+2\d
.if n 1.0E9
.en 28 ENOSPC "No space left on device
During a
.I write
to an ordinary file,
there was no free space left on the device.
.en 29 ESPIPE "Illegal seek
.I Lseek
was issued to a stream device.
.en 30 EROFS "Read-only file system
An attempt to modify a file or directory
was made
on a device mounted read-only.
.en 31 EMLINK "Too many links
An attempt to make more than 32767 links to a file.
.en 32 EPIPE "Broken pipe
.I Write
to a stream that has been hung up,
usually a pipe with no process to read the data.
This condition normally generates a signal;
the error is returned if the signal is ignored.
.en 33 EDOM "Math argument
The argument of a function in the math package (3M)
was out of the domain of the function.
.en 34 ERANGE "Result too large
The value of a function in the math package (3M)
was unrepresentable within machine precision.
.en 35 ELOOP "Link loop
An endless cycle of symbolic links was encountered.
.en 36 ECONC "Concurrency violation
.I open
.I creat
was in violation of the concurrent access specified
for the file.
.en 37 EGREG "It's all Greg's fault
Something went wrong.
Device and file system drivers
may use error codes in
unexpected or unconventional ways;
it is infeasible to list them all.
The writeups in section 4
list some such special cases.