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.CT 2 misc
reboot, vadvise, vlimit, vswapon, getgroups,
setgroups \(mi system calls to be avoided
.B int reboot(how)
.B int vadvise(how)
.B int vlimit(what, limit)
.B int vswapon(special)
.B char *special;
.B #include <sys/param.h>
.B int getgroups(ngroups, gidset)
.B short *gidset;
.B setgroups(ngroups, gidset)
.B short *gidset;
These calls are hangovers from prior versions of the system.
Some exist only for system maintenance purposes;
some depend on the virtual memory implementation.
None should be used except as a last resort.
Most are not included in
.BR /lib/libc.a .
.I Reboot
finishes any pending I/O
and reboots the system
.I how
is 0)
or puts the system into a tight loop with interrupts disabled
.I how
is 8).
It is restricted to the super-user.
.I Vadvise
gives the virtual memory system
hints about the paging behavior
of the current process.
.I Vlimit
sets various resource limits,
such as the amount of memory allowed for text and data,
and the maximum size of core images.
.I Vswapon
the block device
.I special
to the pool of swap space.
The device must be listed in a table
compiled into the operating system;
.I vswapon
merely enables it.
.I Getgroups
stores at most
.I ngroups
elements of the group access list of the current process
in the array 
.IR gidset .
.I Setgroups
sets the group access list of the current user process from
.IR gidset .
.I Ngroups
gives the number of entries; it must not exceed
defined in
.BR <param.h> .
Only the super-user may add groups to the list.
Unix Programmer's Manual, Seventh Edition, Virtual VAX-11 Version,
Volume 1, 1980 (Berkeley)