REAL NetLanguage for Scenario 7


Here are the most relevant parts of the REAL input file for Scenario 7, using TRUMP/RBCC as the congestion control method. I have removed some mandatory lines that control the underlying NEST simulator on which REAL is based.

real_params {
        scale_factor = 1.0;                     # Scale time to seconds
        ack_size = 40;                          # ACK size in octets
        buffer_size = 15000;                    # Output iface buf size (bytes)
        ftp_pkt_size = 1500;
        ftp_window = 600;                       # Ftp window size (units?)
        sch_policy = 1;                         # FCFS pkt scheduling
        util_time= 2.0;                         # Measure edge util every 2s
                function = dumbtrump;           # Source is TRUMP, no retx
                start_time = 0,100;             # Start at 0 + 1 microsecond
                num_pkts = 1000;                # Send 1000 packets
                average = 1000; }               # Initial rate is 1000 bps
        node 1  { function = rbcc_router; plot=true; }
        node 2  { function = rbcc_router; plot=true; }
        node 3  { function = rbcc_router; plot=true; }
        node 4  { function = rbcc_router; plot=true; }
        node 9  { function = trsink;  plot=true; }
        node 10 { function = trsink; plot=true; }
        node 11 { function = trsink; plot=true; }
        node 12 { function = trsink; plot=true; }
        node 5  { dest = 10;}
        node 6  { start_time = 140,0; dest = 11; num_pkts= 100; }
        node 7  { start_time = 12,0; dest = 12;}
        node 8  { start_time = 18,0; dest = 9;}
edges{                           # Bandwidth in bps, latency in microseconds
        default { bandwidth = 10000000; latency = 1; }
        { 1 -> 2; }
        { 2 -> 3; bandwidth = 64000; latency = 1000000;}
        { 3 -> 4; }
        { 5 -> 1; }
        { 6 -> 1; }
        { 7 -> 1; }
        { 8 -> 3; }
        { 9 -> 2; }
        { 10 -> 3; }
        { 11 -> 4; }
        { 12 -> 4; }

The changes to use TCP/IP instead of TRUMP/RBCC are:

Warren Toomey
Fri Mar 15 10:43:33 EST 1996