Here is the full proposal for the new stationday file format. The purpose of a stationday file is to detail the programs or episodes that are being shown on a station in a given 24-hour period. The times of each showing belong to the timezone where the transmission originates, not the timezone where it will be received. A stationday file must only contain data for a specific daynum. The data in a stationday file should be in ascending time order. The data in a stationday file may contain Latin-x characters. Apart from blank lines, each line starts with a keyword then a colon then exactly one space character and then the actual value. The file must begin with these three lines: StationdayVersion: 2.0 Station: Name of the station Daynum: Date of the stationday as the number of days since 1970. These three lines are followed by a single blank line. After this, the file is composed of a number of "showing" records. Each record is composed of several keyword: value lines and must end with a blank line. Some lines are optional and are shown with asterisks below. For the comma-separated lists, there is no whitespace on either side of the commas. Title: Textual title of the showing Time: Time when the showing starts, seconds since 00:00 on the date. Both the Daynum and the Time fields are local time in the timezone that applies to the station. Duration: Duration in seconds *Episode: Textual episode name, arbitrarily long, single line *Description: Textual description of showing, arbitrarily long, single line *Year: If a movie, the year of release of the movie, four digits *Genres: Comma separated list of textual genre or genre groups. See genretypes for the list. *Episodic: 1 or 0, indicating if showing is episodic or is not episodic. Do not give this keyword if you do not know yes or no. *TvRating: Word representing the recommended age group. Available words are: C=children, P=pre-school children, G=general, PG=parental guidance, M=mature, MA=mature audience, AV=adult violence *Advisory: Comma separated list of letters which represent advice about the showing. Available letters are: V= violence, S= sex, N= nudity, L= language, D= drugs, A= adult themes, H= horror *Castlist: Comma separated list of actor names *Director: Director's name *Season: Numeric season number, if this is an episode in a series. *Episodenum: Numeric episode number within a season of a series. *Bits: Comma separated list of words representing other bits of information about the transmission. Available words are: B&W=black and white, WS=available in widescreen, HD=Available in high definition, CC=closed captions, S=stereo, Live=live, Repeat= repeat, Final=final, Premiere= premiere Each showing record ends with a blank line.