In the intermediate file format, each program record consists of these lines. Each line starts with a keyword then a colon then exactly one space character and then the actual value. Some lines are optional and are shown with asterisks below. For the comma-separated lists, there is no whitespace on either side of the commas. A single file should only contain data for a specific daynum. The two fetchers in version 3 of Wktivoguide will only put out data for a specific daynum. If there is data for another day, then it will be ignored. The data in a single file ____MUST____ be in ascending time order!!! The intermediate file format can now contain Latin-x characters, as these will be remapped and/or stripped by Title: Textual title of the program Daynum: Date of the program as the number of days since 1970. Time: Time when the program starts, seconds since 00:00 on the date Both the Time and Daynum fields are local time in the timezone from where the data came from. Duration: Duration in seconds *Episode: Textual episode name, arbirarily long, single line *Description: Textual description of the program, arbirarily long, single line *Year: Year of the movie, four digits *Genres: Comma separated list of textual genre or genre groups. See genretypes for the list. *Episodic: 1 or 0, indicating if program is episodic or is not episodic. *Advisory: Comma separated list of numbers between 1 to 10, representing: Language, GraphicLanguage, Nudity, BriefNudity, GraphicViolence, Violence, MildViolence, StrongSexual, Rape, AdultSituations. *Actor: Comma separated list of actor names *Director: Director's name *Premiere: Either the word "Premiere" or the word "Final". Indicates of this is the first or last showing of the program. Premiere can be used for series programs or one-off programs. *Live: Set to "True" if the program is a live program *Bits: Decimal integer representing these bits: CloseCaption: 0x1 Stereo: 0x2 Subtitle: 0x4 JoinedInProgress: 0x8 CableInTheClassroom: 0x10 Sap: 0x20 Blackout: 0x40 Intercast: 0x80 ThreeD: 0x100 Repeat: 0x200 Letterbox: 0x400 SexRating: 0x10000 ViolenceRating: 0x20000 LanguageRating: 0x40000 DialogRating: 0x80000 FvRating: 0x100000 *TvRating: Number between 1 to 6, representing: Y7, Y, G, PG, 14, M Each program record ends with a blank line.