USL vs. BSDI Historical Archive

Note that all legal disagreements, suits, and countersuits have been resolved! This archive is for historical purposes only.

This directory contains some of the historical documents pertaining to the USL lawsuit againt BSDI (and UC Berkeley).

In most cases, if a referenced document isn't available in this directory it's because it was filed `under seal' by USL. You will also notice places in the various files where information was removed and replaced with `REDACTED'.

This text was all scanned in with OCR, so there are plentiful errors in the transcription; they don't usually obscure the meanings.


Original Complaint (4/20/92, 13062 bytes)
USL Request for Documents (5/1/92, 15949 bytes)
USL Interrogatories (5/1/92, 27102 bytes)
BSDI Motion to Dismiss (5/26/92, 16441 bytes)
BSDI Press Release (6/10/92, 1923 bytes)
BSDI Press Release (7/14/92, 3045 bytes)
USL Amended Complaint (7/24/92, 42280 bytes)
Amicus Brief by UCB Regents (1/7/93, 83179 bytes)
BSDI Opposing Arguments to USL Request for Injunction (1/8/93, 90342 bytes)
Second Declaration of Dr. Kirk McKusick (1/19/93, 9186 bytes)
Supplemental Amicus Brief by UCB Regents (1/19/93, 35302 bytes)
BSDI Additional Arguments to Injunction Request (1/20/93, 32825 bytes)
Ruling on USL Injunction Request (3/3/93, 62959 bytes)
UCB's complaint against USL WRT: 4.2BSD/4.3BSD/4.3BSD-Tahoe (6/10/93, 18929 bytes)
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Tony Sanders